Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Harry Coumnas Is Building a Huge Solar Power Satellite

Harry Coumnas, a well-known space scientist is building the biggest solar power satellite which could deliver clean and abundant power. This satellite is a cleverly designed and positioned will be placed above the gauzy atmosphere avoiding the shadow of night to keep the electrons flowing almost continuously. 

In a recent press conference, Harry Coumnas has revealed that this satellite will deliver up to 50 times the amount of reliable 24/7 energy that the same cell would generate on the ground.   This satellite has photovoltaic arrays stretching for miles that can redirect sunlight from almost any angle of the space. The electrical current generated by an orbiting array can be sent to Earth in one or two forms.

When he started this project – it was a giant engineering challenge, but one that now has reasonable solutions. He sketched out the preliminary designs with the help of dreamy-eyed physicists and told them the power of stellar power and how it can benefit the mankind. He has been praised for this jaw-dropping discovery by his peers and scientists.

Harry Coumnas is well known for his researches and inventions that are beneficial for the coming technology age and future discoveries. He has been interviewed for many famous space magazines for his exceptional research studies. Many of his researches have also been published in monthly journals of reputed astronomical societies. 

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