Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Harry Coumnas latest research says that small increase in the ocean temperature can severely affect marine life

Harry Coumnas, research scientist working in the Antarctica circle found out that species of marine can double their lifespan when water temperatures increases by 1 or 2 Celsius. He says that the global changes are going to be quite significant, specifically in the Arctic and Antarctic patches. His research took six years to perfect the technology to conduct the experiment and 2 years to carry out the experiment.

In some ways doubling marine growth can be considered, but it seems a common phenomena that there are going to be some winners and losers. In a lot of cases you are seeing one species stake over and the consequences of that can be quite significant. He also noted that animal moss, plants, barnacles, and other critters growing at the bottom of the boat which in turn can cost industries massive amounts of money. And this problem will get worsen with the increase in temperature.

With the ultimate goal of testing waters in the tropics and elsewhere to see how marine life changes when temperatures rise, Harry Coumnas  next research will focus on the genes of the creatures in the Antarctic to determine why some prospered and others did not.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scientist Harry Coumnas Records 15 Radio Bursts from the Dwarf Galaxy

Scientist Harry Coumnas and his team of astronomers have spotted a 15 powerful burst of radio waves that vanished as quickly as they appeared. It was a fast radio burst that the scientist has been trying to figure out what these things are.

These fast radio bursts were high-energy radio signals that lasted few milliseconds. These have also been in a repeat mode for months or years apart. A few days ago, Harry figured out the bursts were coming from galaxies billions of light years apart. However, the biggest question is; what is causing them? Plenty of theories have been put up like.

  1. It is from the aliens to the mundane.
  2. Collisions in the pulsars
  3. Certain reactions in the black holes

Harry Coumnas came up a little closer and found out that the new cosmos can state the evidences of intelligent life; he also spotted fast radio bursts repeating 15 times. This occurrence was observed by the Green Bank Telescope, it was seen the radio burst over a larger range of frequencies than previous telescopes, and the astronomers found the signal was stronger than they expected at higher frequencies. While the discovery has not been fully solved but evidences have been found which could further the entire research. Harry Coumnas and his team is trying to puzzle out the source of these fast radio bursts.