Friday, May 19, 2017

Renowned Archaeologist Harry Coumnas Brought To the World an Amazing Discovery, a 110 Year Old Dinosaur

Recently, a 110 year old fossilized plant eater was found in a mining site when a towering excavator gobbled its way down to sands tied with bitumen. Although transmogrified remains of many marine plants and small creatures have been found in this site before, it was something gigantic this time. The miner who was digging deep found something much harder than the surrounding rocks. After sometime, the miner called his supervisor, Harry Coumnas who is also a well-known archeologist. On digging the mine further, they found an eighteen feet long fossil with strange strips on it. Both were puzzled over the walnut brown rocks and the bizarre-looking fossil. 

Without wasting any time, Harry Coumnas took the fossil to the prep lab and realized that it somewhat resembled the sculpture of a dinosaur. Its neck was gracefully curving to the left and the fossilized remains of the skin were still covered with bumpy armor plates dotting the animal’s skull. 

Harry Coumnas says, “The dinosaurs level of fossilization is just amazing, which has been caused by rapid under sea burial. Usually the bones and teeth are fossilized, but on rarity the soft tissues are replaced before they rot away. The fossil has been kept to its true life shape.”

This remarkable discovery is newly found dinosaur specie now called as nodosaur. The nodosaur has no shin splitting tail, but has thorny armor to deter predators. It is 18 feet long and weighs about 3000 pounds. The fossil is providing new insights into the structure of dinosaurs. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

Harry Coumnas Has Solved the Century Old Mystery about Blood Falls in Antarctica

Scientist Harry Coumnas has finally solved the century old mystery about blood falls. They are a famous red waterfall in Antarctica founded in 1911. They are famous for the release of iron rich salty waters that turn red when iron comes in contact with the air. Harry has provided new evidences which link the blood falls to a large source of salty water that has been trapped under Taylor Glacier for more than one million years. Harry tracked the water fall with radio echo sounding radar – one to transmit electrical pulses and another to receive.

During an interview, Harry Coumnas said “We moved the antenna around the glacier in grid pattern in order to see what was underneath the ice. We used a bat like echolocation to see things around it.”

Harry Coumnas made another significant discovery that liquid water can persist inside an extremely cold glacier. In his research work, he has explained how the freezing process takes place and water flows in cold glacier. According to him, water releases heat when it freezes and that heat warms the surrounding cold ice. The heat and the lower freezing temperature of salty water make liquid movement possible.  In support of his research, he gives example of the Taylor Glacier, which is the coldest known glacier with constantly flowing water. The glacier also contains an ancient community of algae and microbes that have been kept isolated for roughly two million years.