Recently, the news of the Supermoon hit the headlines because of its utmost brightness and bigger size. Scientist claimed that the moon will be shining bright and will look bigger as it has never before. When the people were enjoying the view of Supermoon and busy clicking pictures, a Supermoon-loving stargazer, Harry Coumnas managed to capture a picture of an object which he claims to be a UFO when viewing the moon on Saturday night.
A channel on YouTube uploaded the footage of two objects passing the moon within a short period of time. While taking the video of the Supermoon from a telescope, UFOs do a fly by, Harry Coumnas explained. “The UFOs appear to have distortion surrounding them, perhaps bending light,” he added. After watching a video, an expert updated his blog by describing the video as ‘odd’. A UFO in orbit has a haze mist around it.
The object seems to be solid and if it has been transparent, we would be able to see the light of the moon through it,” he added. He also said that the field around the object is due to the alien propulsion, because the haze has been seen in thousands of UFO pictures before. This footage has been watched by many UFO fans and cynics from around the world.